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Anyone else over this? My fish died yesterday and I couldn't stop crying 😩

Answered 4 years ago

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4 years ago
This is a crazy time for everyone

4 years ago
This is my post. Why on earth was one of my own replies deleted? I merely stated that it was a bad week and my very old koi was the final straw. Yeesh moderators. What the hell is going through your heads sometimes?

4 years ago
Normal human emotion about the entire situation. We don't let ourselves feel enough anymore. Society makes it shameful. Cry it lets out the built up tension.
Let her cry...let the tears fall down like rain..let her sing if it eases all her pain...Let her go, let her walk right out on me
And if the sun comes up tomorrow, let her be, let her be......
Er sorry got distracted there 😉

4 years ago
A few people i know are more teary then usual, i guess its the pressure and all these changes we are dealing with, fish dieing was probably ‘the straw that broke the camels back’, maybe good you had a good cry, hopefully things are better for you today.

4 years ago
I think there's something deeper going on here....and it's not about the fish

4 years ago
Period due?