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Long story short (DV & Police)

Answered 4 years ago

So last night about 10:30 police showed up. I was in bed in my daughters room as was my husband in our room.

Police began knocking not one or two but 6!

Things have been tense here as he hasn’t worked since November after an accident and subsequent surgery. As he is a trucker this is the most time we have been together in our 7 years.

I am frustrated as firstly the fight was 9 hours before they can BUT!!!! They referred my husband to DV connect for Men. I was treated as though I was the aggressor and he the victim!! Thing is it’s very opposite.

I need to get out and am setting myself up to do so but please share with me your coping techniques for not reacting to bullshit or the nasty comments. I need to stay calm and begin to take back ME!

I am going back to psychologist but I like to also hear personal experiences of how you dealt with it and maybe I can try to cope

Thank you 😊

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4 years ago
Have you ever thought that if the police were called by a neighbor that from an outsiders perspective that you don’t sound like a victim but rather the aggressor? Maybe you both need to see a relationship councillor to learn more effective ways of communicating with each other.


4 years ago

4 years ago
My guess is that pain from the surgery and finances are probably getting to him. If you can find a way to help him manage the pain his behaviour might improve. I'd suggest your GP for some pain medicine for him as a starting point.

4 years ago
I recommend this news story:

It is about a man with violence issues so bad that he tried to kill his ex-wife and the program that got him to finally control his temper and anger issues.

4 years ago
Good luck with everything xxx

4 years ago
Im so sorry to hear.

You may find this article on our website very helpful as it also includes links to various organisations which will be able to assist you.


4 years ago
I have been through said organisations and was met with nothing but judgement and rude attitudes. But thank you

4 years ago
A few gaps here, but how is it that police came knocking on the door? Did you call for help? Hope you’re ok hun


4 years ago
I didn't call apparently a neighbour did. I had limited space to fill gaps but I just hope to cope and keep calm and not bite for the next few weeks