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Alot of people have anxiety these days. Why do you think that is?

Answered 4 years ago

On a personal level why do you think you developed it?

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4 years ago
I didn't want to admit i had anxiety but it got to the point where i couldn't deny it anymore. I feel like I can't catch my breath but i'm not freaking out like a panic attack. I've had it for 4 days now I had a memory of a past trauma that's the result. I don't take any medication for it because I don't want to. I haven't been back to the doctors about it. If I think back to when I was younger I remember having the same thing once when was 10 or 11. I think I've always had some level of anxiety it was just brushed off as being quiet shy or dramatic. I think the older I get the worse it does.

4 years ago
I dont have anxiety but have been feeling anxious lately. My kid is being harassed at school, I’m being harassed by that kids mother. My mum is really ill and I’m taking care of her. I’m out of work. My dog just got attacked. Sometimes shit gets on top of people and if you don’t know how to deal with it or look for support your worries just get bigger and bigger. So many stresses in today’s life. It’s hard for some people.

4 years ago
Battled since childhood not sude but its worse now then ever


4 years ago
Hugs babe. Hope You're ok ❤

4 years ago
Didn't someone ask this question on somebody elses post?


4 years ago
Yeah that was me. Thought I'd just cut to the chase & make it a topic on its own

4 years ago
Cool. I thought i was losing my my marbles 🤪

4 years ago
^ ok i didnt mean my my 😂

4 years ago

4 years ago
Social media


4 years ago
And cameras everywhere you can be filmed anything you do.

4 years ago

4 years ago
Social media is a big one, especially in younger age groups. Their constant need for validation and acceptance coupled with competing with other people they see online (influencers, models, friends - All photoshopped) is their focal point in life. They base their self-worth of their value given by the attention received by others.

People have a general neediness and fear of isolation, as well as FOMO - A fear of missing out. See how many people carried on over being in quarantine, and couldn't handle not being able to socialise with friends and such.

4 years ago
I don’t think it’s as common as it ever was I think it’s waaaay more common now.
And it’s a few things, phones play a huge part.
Lack of excercise .
Lack of community infrastructure .
Social media .
The constant bombardment of advertisement and monetary happiness.
Our diets.
Information, as in the flooding of way too much of it when most people can’t handle it or know how to correctly store it.
The commonality of hormone pills in women and how young they start them, how many years they are on them.
The amount of drugs we take so readily.

All of this has contributed so that the small number of people who just weren’t wired correctly to deal with the current world, now any people are cross wiring and dopamine flooding our brains that it’s causing them to malfunction somewhat.


4 years ago
I think a lot of the above, plus we have so many more things to manage nowadays - we have SOOOOO much more mental drain and not enough physical drain. Just an example picking an electricity plan is a major exercise, in my parents day there was only one choice. However their occupations were more physical than mine. I think long commute times also play a part as it really eats into our family time.

4 years ago
Also online culture and shaming culture - anything you do people will pick apart on the internet for the world to see. And theres so much more pressure on a lot of things like homework for primary school kids and constant stress you will lose your job. In my parents day once you got a job you had it until you retire.

4 years ago
I sometimes have anxiety triggered when men raise their voice or even talk loudly because my dad was a raging violent alcoholic, I wet the bed until I was 12 because I was terrified of getting up in the middle of the night. I grew up with a lot of verbal abuse, noise and extreme violence, people wouldn't know now as I am extroverted but I was completely mute for a good portion of my childhood because I was too afraid to speak at all, to anyone.
I work in a male dominated industry and every day is a battle for me as I have developed a really extreme fight, flight or freeze instinct that I need to keep in check but I think every day I get better at it.
If my teenager daughter and my husband raise their voices or argue I sometimes absolutely flip out though.. my husband is the only person that really knows about my childhood and understands I can't handle people yelling in my house or other people yelling at their children AT ALL and I straight up knocked a man out in Woolworths for hitting his crying baby across the face several times, which is probably what normal people would also want to do but they don't act on it.. Other things like this have happened several times.. I'll just never be normal but I do continue to try really hard.


4 years ago
❤ i'm glad you were there to knock that fucker out. You sound like your doing really well.

4 years ago
For me, my childhood was very dysfunctional, with an alcoholic mother. I think no matter the time I would have had anxiety, however we also lived in a suburban nice lifestyle and that meant that it was all a big secret. I don’t think that is healthy. I also know my husband grew up in communism and he said no one had anything, it would take years for a car to get ordered by a neighbour and that meant that everyone shared and played together and human contact was real. I wonder how much this affects things too sometimes

4 years ago
Easier diagnosis and awareness has created more known cases of mental illness. I would also say the way the world has now developed with grandparents needing to work, both parents needing to work, neighbourhoods where we barely know those around us makes us all feel less connected to those around us and less connection goes against our basic needs. When humans first evolved we were very community orientated, tribal as some would say, these days we seem to have less of a tribe and more of a isolated life. Not even going to go into the 24/7 news cycles which feed people’s fears.

4 years ago
I think people are probably more aware of it now rather than it being more common