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How did u know he or she was the one?

Answered 4 years ago

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4 years ago
A mutual friend introduced us and he hugged me when we met. I knew then 🥰


4 years ago
that's different

4 years ago
I don’t believe in the one.
You can have a connection with a lot of different people.
Once you choose one by focusing on that relationship and giving it its best chance to “forsake all others” than you will learn that is what a relationship is about.
That is why marriage is called A commitment.

4 years ago
I remember once it was summer and it had been really hot. I was feeling all romantic & adventurous I asked my boyfriend who I tragically in love with to come outside & dance in the rain with me...he said no.... that writing was on the wall - this man is NOT for you.

4 years ago
I really can't describe it. Was a feeling I got. I just knew. Everyone called me crazy as I had just turned 18 and had only just met him that night and I knew he was the one. 14 years later were still happily married with #3 on the way. We both just knew it. Sounds corny but I can't explain the feeling. I can still remember the moment I saw his face. Was honestly like time stood still. Yep I sound crazy hahaha


4 years ago
You don’t sound crazy, you sound in love. I’m happy for you.

4 years ago
So sweet, I don't think you're crazy at all. I knew the night I met my hubby that I would regret it if I let him slip away & when I saw him again the next morning I knew I was in love, by lunch we told each other how we felt. We've been together almost 18years

4 years ago
I think you can have a connection with more than one person. Its all about timing.
I met the perfect man after i was married and he was divorced

4 years ago
When my local stores stopped stocking ovaltine I was very upset. Went online to find stores within a half hour drive of me were all out of stock. After a month there was still none so I thought they weren’t making it anymore. My husband drove around the stores over an hour away and found 11 jars from several different stores. He’s THE one! Ps, about a month later the stores started stocking them again but everytime I see all the jars in my pantry it warms my heart.

4 years ago
First man I didn’t have to fake orgasms with 🥳

4 years ago
I don't believe in "the one". It's a crazy concept 1 person for every person on earth. What happens if my one dies does that mean i'm doomed to be alone forever. I believe there are numerous people you can long term connections with it's matter of finding someone with similar interests & values. Relationships are complicated but if you both have the desire to achieve happiness together you can make it work.
I knew my husband was it because we got on really well, he made me laugh, he made me have great orgasms, we shared the same morals and values, I known him for a long time so I knew what kind of man he was & I had no fear. I haven't been wrong about him infact I'm more impressed with him now than before. Sure we're not having sex on the kitchen bench anymore (that could get awkward with the kids) but he's stood by me & had my back more then anyone else in my life. He has done things for me & my family which to me are quite heroic. Make sure the man you marry has a good soul. Good luck.

4 years ago
As I’ve gotten older I’ve resided to the fact that we can go through life and have many “the one” I thought my ex husband was the one and he was for a very long time (vice versa) divorced for 3 years now and we both have new “the one”

How do you know?
Communicate well
Respect each other
Support each other
Attraction in every form
Miss each other when you’re apart
Cherish the time when you’re together
Complete each others sentences lol