Ways to Get Long Lux Lashes

4 min read
Ways to Get Long Lux Lashes

Ways to Get Long Lux Lashes

Did you know babies start growing eyelashes at 7-8 weeks in the womb? Amazing! We are all born with eyelashes to protect our eyes but throughout history they have become a thing of true beauty and a first world issue for many.

Curiously in medieval times, they would pluck out every single eyelash (see the famous 1490 painting by Rogier Van Der Weyden Portrait Of A Lady no freaking eyelashes).

no eyelashes | Stay at Home


In the early 1900s they made a monumental comeback thanks to movie stars. The fake eyelash phenomenon has grown steadily since then (apart from a stint in the 80s and 90s where we didn’t care as much for some random fashion trending reason). The modern day eyelash demands to be thick and long. So I present to you my tried and tested eye hacks for busy mums.

Eyelash Extensions

Let’s face it, we simply do NOT have time to apply temporary fakies every time we leave the house and sometimes a lick of mascara is not on the cards so eyelash extensions are a savior.


They look fabulous and you don’t need to wear mascara (hell you don’t need to do much else with your face when you’ve got the lashes baby).


It is time-consuming getting them applied and you need to have them filled every 2 4 weeks. You have to be gentle with them too (I’m a picker and end up yanking out lashes).  Plus they can be a bit on the pricey side if you are getting them every two weeks!

eyelash extensions | Stay at Home Mum

Eyelash Growth Serum

I was skeptical when presented with the idea that a serum would help my eyelashes grow but I was committed to the research and went full steam ahead. Holy wowsers my lashes are MASSIVE! I applied every night before I went to bed and after 6 weeks saw a big improvement. I still use serum EVERY night.


Natural lashes and no ongoing maintenance like with extensions.


Natural eyelashes will obviously be less dramatic than extensions and you have to apply every day. You’ll probably still want to wear mascara.

lash serum | Stay at Home Mum

Mirenesse 4D Lash Evolution Serum 10g

Eyelash Tint

Although my lashes are dark I always see extra length after a tint. Tinting is great for those with lighter lashes and many women say they go without mascara with a tint. Not me, I seek the extra definition and have rarely NOT applied mascara after a tint (which kinda defeats the purpose).


Much less expensive than extensions, quick and easy treatment.


You may still want to wear mascara and you need to research the products and treatment provider to ensure experience and quality of dye.

eyelash tint | Stay at Home Mum

Lash Lift

This treatment is best for those with really straight lashes. A lash lift adds a curl to the lashes to create longer looking lashes. As my lashes are already slightly curled I was not happy with the result.


Straight lashes will see a great result, treatment is under an hour and low maintenance between treatments.


They need to be lifted every 4 8 weeks depending on the person but I felt mine had dropped much sooner than that. Check the experience of the therapist and the solution used to curl the lash. I felt mine were brittle after the treatment.

Carlie Wacker | Stay at Home

Eyes without lashes are like cake without frosting! Go forth and lash out ladies (and eat the cake while you’re at it!)

Life’s short, your lashes don’t have to be “¦  I could go on but you need to book in your treatment or order the lash serum online. I used Eyenvy serum but there are hundreds of serums on the market.

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