Preventing Parvovirus – It Could Save Your Best Friend

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Preventing Parvovirus – It Could Save Your Best Friend

Preventing Parvovirus in pets is important because this disease has a high fatality rate. There are several diseases out there that can cause fatality for your children, including polio and whooping cough; however, modern medicine has created vaccinations to help prevent these diseases. If you are a dog owner then you are probably aware of the various diseases and illnesses that can cause fatality and serious sickness to your pup as well. Parvovirus is one of them. Parvovirus is actually quite common across Australia and is something that you need to protect your dog against.

Parvovirus is a virus that has been around since the 1970’s.  It is spread through oral or nasal contact with contaminated faeces, a contaminated environment or a contaminated object. In other words, if your pet is in contact with another dog that has parvovirus, then he is at risk of getting it as well. If you take your dog to the dog park, to the beach and to dog school, then your pet will be at a higher risk. However, parvovirus cannot be transmitted to humans.

Parvovirus can strike all types of breeds of dogs as well as puppies and adult dogs. The symptoms of parvovirus include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Dehydration
  • Weakness

Your dog may seem different and more lethargic than usual. He may not want to play or eat his dinner which can be for a number of different reasons. However, keep an eye on him and watch for other signs. This is a potentially fatal condition but there are ways to prevent and treat parvovirus which include:Preventing Parvovirus - It Could Save Your Best Friend


In Australia it is recommended that dogs be treated with a yearly vaccination against parvovirus, which usually comes in the form of a C-4 or C-5 injection. Puppies will require a few vaccinations in the first year and then a booster shot every year for the rest of the dog’s life. Vaccination against parvovirus is the best way to prevent this disease from harming your pet.

Fast Diagnosis

If your dog is displaying any of the above signs, then take him to see a vet right away. Your vet will perform tests including a white blood cell count and a stool sample to determine if your pet has this disease.

Adequate Treatment

Parvovirus, even if it is treated, can still result in fatality for your pet. In fact, 65 to 95 percent of treated dogs will still die from the disease. 95 percent of dogs that have parvovirus and receive no treatment will die from the virus. These are scary statistics which is why vaccinations are so important. However, if your dog does have parvovirus your vet will discuss treatment options to correct dehydration and control vomiting.

Be On Alert

It is also a good idea to keep an eye out for outbreaks of the virus in your area. Check the Australian Veterinary Association for recent updates on outbreaks across Australia.

Effective Quarantine

If your dog does have parvovirus then he cannot be around other animals. This is incredibly important. The best way to stop this virus from killing dogs is to stop the spread. Furthermore, if your dog is not vaccinated or has not received the booster in over a year, then you may wish to keep him away from other dogs and areas where other dogs have been, such as the beach and the park.

Jody Allen
About Author

Jody Allen

Jody Allen is the founder of Stay at Home Mum. Jody is a five-time published author with Penguin Random House and is the current Suzuki Queensland Amb...Read Moreassador. Read Less

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