Rikki Waller

3 min read
Rikki Waller

Name: Rikki Waller

Job Title: Assistant Sales Manager

Where Do You Live? I currently reside in the Sutherland Shire of Sydney but grew up in the beautiful coastal town of Port Macquarie NSW.

Who Are You Mummy and Wifey to? My husband Daniel, who is a Sales Manager, and I recently got married in November 2013 and we have one beautiful, insane little girl, Summer, who is 3.

What Did You Do Before Having Kids: I worked full time in Advertising and was at times a bit of a party girl, blowing many pay checks and my looks in the process! Much time was spent swimming at the beach, dancing at festivals in short shorts and watching the same movies over and over again.

What Do You Do Now (Other than write for SAHM): I am a full time WAHM for Stay at Home Mum. I also love to write and share my stories on child birth, allergies and anything that else I have an opinion on. I still have a huge love affair with the beach but the short shorts have become a little ‘tighter'”¦

Three Favourite Things in Life: Apart from my family, I would have to say reality TV, the ocean and silverchair

Why Do You Enjoy Working for SAHM: SAHM has reignited a passion in me that I thought I had lost years ago. I am blessed with the opportunity to work with a crazy, funny and amazing team on a daily basis that harnesses my abilities and encourages my ideas and creativity. I love that I get to be active within the SAHM community, engaging directly with our audience and sharing my experiences with them just as they do with us. And I can’t deny the fact that I love being able to be here for my family more often and spend more time with them rather than on a smelly train with strangers. My husband’s exact words you have become a much better cook, housewife and mum. Some would be offended, I can’t keep the smile off my face.

Two Things That May Surprise People About You:

  1. I don’t/can’t drive any form of vehicle (apart from my luscious mint green cruiser)
  2. I can recite every single word to the world’s best Rom-Com The Sweetest Thing.

Favourite Posts You Have Written:

1. Letter from an Allergy-Child Parent
2. Strategies to Stop the Sugar
3. Active Ways to Improve Asthma Symptoms

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