15 Reasons Why You Should Start Using Coconut Oil

5 min read

With all the hype surrounding coconut oil at the moment, we thought we’d do a bit of research into just how many uses there are for this product.

Coconut oil has been sitting on supermarket shelves, unnoticed, for such a long time! Turns out, there are hundreds (but we’ve jotted only a few) that are specifically for general health and wellness. These uses are what works for almost everyone we know.

1. Stress Relief

The natural aroma of coconut is extremely soothing. Apply a small amount of coconut oil to your fingertips and rub into the temples in a circular motion for instant mental fatigue relief.

2. Digestion and Weight Loss

The medium chain saturated fatty acids (MCFA) found in coconut oil are metabolised by the body in the liver and are converted immediately into energy, not fat. The anti-bacterial properties in these fats also help control parasites and fungi that cause indigestion and IBS, and the fats also aid in the absorption of nutrients and minerals and protects the body from insulin resistance by keeping blood sugar levels stable. Coconut oil also assists with controlling cravings.

3. Fitness

Coconut oil has been proven to improve thyroid function, stimulate metabolism and escalate energy levels, making it easier to get motivated to exercise and convert that unwanted fat into muscle.

4. Nose Bleeds

A lot of people experience nose bleeds due to sensitivity to extreme weather conditions. The nasal passages become dry from the cold or dry air and their mucus membranes crack or burn, leading to bleeding. Much like a lip balm, coconut oil can prevent dryness and cracking. Apply a small amount to the inside of your nostril to strengthen and protect the nasal passage.

5. Breastfeeding

A dose of coconut oil a day will enrich your milk supply. Just take 3 – 3.5 tablespoons daily in smoothies, baking or as a cooking oil.

Make sure you purchase and use organic coconut oil, as most sources list the substitutes and processed varieties as less effective.

Coconut oil for personal hygiene, next…

Jody Allen
About Author

Jody Allen

Jody Allen is the founder of Stay at Home Mum. Jody is a five-time published author with Penguin Random House and is the current Suzuki Queensland Amb...Read Moreassador. Read Less

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