7 Home Remedies for Bad Breath

4 min read
7 Home Remedies for Bad Breath

Is your bad breath always on your mind?

Bad breath can strike all of us at the worst of times. Bad breath happens to all of us at some time or another but it can make a situation extremely uncomfortable and make you extremely self-conscious. Chronic bad breath is known as halitosis. The good news is that there are plenty of home remedies you can chew on to help fight bad breath and feel more confident getting extra close to loved ones.

Below are some of the best remedies for combatting stinky breath.

bigstock A Man With Bad Breath Looks At 416118304 | Stay at Home

1. Brush Your Tongue

Yes, brushing your teeth can help cure bad breath but don’t forget about your tongue! When you brush your teeth in the morning and evening, make sure you brush the top of your tongue too. Sweep the sides of your mouth as well for a whole mouth clean.

Most of the bacteria in your mouth form on your tongue, so if you are brushing your teeth without brushing your tongue, your breath will still stink. Even better than a toothbrush, grab a tongue scraper!

tongue cleaner | Stay at Home
Black Chicken Tongue Cleaner from Flora and Fauna

2. Eat Some Parsley

Add parsley to your favourite meals. Parsley contains chlorophyll which is a breath deodorizer. If you are not keen to chew through parsley every meal, then add some to your blender with your favourite fruits and veggies for a delicious morning boost juice with breath deodorizing benefits.

3. Invest in Having Mints and Gum On Hand

Make it a habit to budget a couple of extra dollars into the weekly grocery shop and picking up a few packs of breath mints. That way you will always have them handy in your purse when you are out. Leave a pack in your car as well just in case.

Some mints are better than others for bad breath. We love the Listerine Mint Strips – perfect for solving bad breath fast!

4. Baking Soda

Baking Soda is a known cure for bad breath and is often added to toothpaste as part of the base ingredients. If you don’t have any toothpaste handy, then sprinkle baking soda into the palm of your hand and use your finger as a toothbrush.

5. Drink More Water

If you are out with friends and do not have a toothbrush, baking soda or mints handy, then simply head to the washroom and swish water into your mouth for at least twenty seconds. This will help to loosen up food particles and clean your mouth.

But the main cause of bad breath is dehydration – so drink up! At least two litres of water per day.

6. Veggies

There are some plaque-fighting veggies that should be added to your plate every week. These include carrots and celery which can keep your breath smelling fresh.

7. Cloves

There are several different spices that can be used as a chewing aid to fight bad breath after meals. Cloves are one of them. Other options include cardamom and fennel.

If you find that you are constantly battling with bad breath then it may be a good idea to mention it to your doctor. You may have a condition that can be treated such as tonsil stones which are known to cause bad breath.  Certain beverages such as wine and coffee can cause bad breath as can certain foods such as peppers, onions and garlic. Changing your diet and lifestyle can also help rid you of bad breath.

If you become concerned about any symptoms please seek immediate medical attention we have some hotlines and suggested websites for further information and advice

SAHM takes no responsibility for any illness, injury or death caused by misuse of this information.  All information provided is correct at time of publication.

Jody Allen
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Jody Allen

Jody Allen is the founder of Stay at Home Mum. Jody is a five-time published author with Penguin Random House and is the current Suzuki Queensland Amb...Read Moreassador. Read Less

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