Taking You Home

3 min read
Taking You Home

We had the best day on Wednesday! Not only did we all have Custard Pie FOR BREAKFAST, we spent all day drooling all over Helena and Vikki Moursellas’ amazing new cookbook, which they launched this week.  Then I got the chance to catch up with the girls and have a chat AND THEY WERE LOVELY.

Helena and Vikki shot to fame as the lovable and quirky Greek twins from My Kitchen Rules 2014. Their enthusiasm and skills in the kitchen had hoards of Australian’s chanting their catch-cry; ‘You’ve Got This

Although they didn’t take away the top prize, life after MKR for Helena and Vikki is looking pretty sweet for these two lovelies.

SAHM: How exciting for you ladies to have your book ‘Taking You Home’ out in stores!

H&V: We know! We are so excited. In fact, after this we are off to a book signing!

SAHM: *Squueeee* That is exciting. And a huge relief we’re sure, now that it’s all done and out in stores.

H&V: And so exciting to see people actually coming and buying it last night!

SAHM: We are not surprised. Our test kitchen whipped up your amazing Custard Pie for breakfast for us from Taking You Home. Holy Heck! It was amazing. And super easy, according to our test kitchen Mums.

H&V: How did they find the recipe to follow?

SAHM: The test kitchen Mums told me that it was one of the easiest recipes they’ve followed, and was of course, delicious.

H&V: Oh, great! We really wanted to make a cookbook that was easy to follow and that didn’t have lots of complex ingredients. Just stuff you’d have in your pantry at home, so you could pick up the book and just go and make anything out of it.

SAHM: Obviously life has changed loads since you finished up on MKR, what else is coming up for you guys?

H&V: We are opening a restaurant in the city in Sydney, in Pitt Street, and we will be travelling to Greece to film a web series featuring recipes from our book. All very exciting and different things! We’ve worked hard to make our own opportunities and secured our own book deal.

SAHM: And the questions we all wanted to know? Has Vikki got a boyfriend?

H&V: That’s so funny. Yep. She has for the last year.

SAHM: Wow! It is all happening! Awesome work and best of luck from all of us at Stay At Home Mum x


Thanks to the girls, we will be featuring four of their amazing recipes over the next four weeks to give you a bit of inspiration and a taste of just how good Taking You Home is!

You can follow the girls on Instagram: @vikki_leigh @helena_marieee

Helena and Vikki Moursellas’ fabulous Greek cuisine home cooking cook book is available through Hachette, Kmart, Dymocks and all other good bookstores.

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