Honey Baked Chicken Pieces

This recipe for yummy Honey Baked Chicken Pieces is an easy and delicious dish for the whole family!

I loooove recipes with four ingredients and uses just one dish to cook in. Isn’t this Honey Baked Chicken Pieces amazing??

If you aren’t keen on chicken on the bone, you can substitute chicken pieces for breast but reduce the cooking time to prevent it from overcooking – unless you want the chicken meat to be soo tender it’s falling off from the bones! That doesn’t look very pretty.

Chicken Pieces Are the Cheapest Type of Meat

Always look to purchase chicken pieces from your local deli – you can quite often pick them up as cheap as $2 per kilogram.  

 Let us know if you loved making (and eating) these Honey Baked Chicken Pieces!


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Responses to “Honey Baked Chicken Pieces”

  1. Helen Light Avatar
    Helen Light

    A delicious variation is to use 1 or 2 cloves of garlic, chopped, the same of ginger, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and 3 tablespoons honey. Cook as above, turning once during the process to allow the flavours to go through the chicken.

  2. kristine Avatar

    160 degrees? Typo or for real?

    1. Jody Allen Avatar

      For real Kristine.

  3. Corrie Avatar

    Christine, 160° c, not f


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