17 of The Most Riveting Questions Asked on Ask SAHM This Month!

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17 of The Most Riveting Questions Asked on Ask SAHM This Month!

7. What would you say to your partner’s ex if you had the chance?

I’d say… THANK YOU! for making the biggest mistake of your friggin life! (She cheated on him)

Top answer: 

I’d say to her: “I’m glad to hear you’re now married, congratulations. But if you ever hit on my husband again, I’ll put your face through a fu****g wall.”

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8. My husband is unsupportive of my weight loss

My husband has always been critical and just plain nasty about my weight. He has many imaginative and cruel names for me, has told that he is embarrassed by me and that he doesn’t want to be intimate because of it. While he was away working for 6 months, I made the decision to try and lose weight. I have managed to loose 30 kgs and am 90 kgs with 20 to go. Hubby is not happy. He tells me that it doesn’t matter how much I lose I will still be ugly.

Top answer: 

There’s nothing to be confused about – your husband is an absolute pig. It doesn’t matter whether you’re 120 kilos, 90 kilos or 70 kilos – you DO NOT deserve to be treated like that. Especially by your husband.

9. My partner has given me permission to cheat…

My husband can’t have sex and knows I love a good fuck… I don’t know if I would let him cheat if I couldn’t have sex…

Top answer: 

Maybe you need to find other ways to be intimate with him. He might say it’s ok for you to sleep with another man, but chances are he will regret it and your marriage will be fukked up.

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10. Do you think parents give in too easily to let their child to be transgender?

Top answer: 

It depends. The 5 year old who demands that they are actually a monkey one day, and then the next day decides they’re a boy, only to change their minds the next day again, shouldn’t be taken quite so seriously. But the teenager who would rather end their life than spend one more day in the wrong gender, should be listened to and helped.

I think the biggest problem is parents pushing their kids one way or the other. Like pushing them to be trans or pushing them to be “normal.”

11. You might not be asking for it, but that doesn’t stop it from happening.

Our kids don’t ask to be kidnapped, but we still take extra precautions to make sure it doesn’t happen. We don’t let them walk anywhere or play by themselves. We teach them stranger danger. People don’t ask to be raped, bashed or murdered but we still take precautions. So why is everyone against taking precautions against sexual harrassment and assault? Why would you want to walk around half naked and assume you are safe because you are not asking for it?

Top answer:

I’m a religious woman, I am always dressed “modestly” (skirts below knee, tops up to collarbone and sleeves below elbow, tights) yet I’ve been sexually assaulted. Would love to know your solution for me. Are 40 dernier tights not thick enough? Should I start wearing 60? Or perhaps 80 dernier would be a better precaution?

Your attitude is dangerous to both those who choose to dress how they please, and those who conform to their religious guidelines. You cheapen a woman’s body by assuming that she dresses modestly in order to detract attention from men, just as you cheapen it by assuming she is dressing in order to attract attention if her cleavage is showing or her skirt is too short. There is so, so much more to women than the amount of flesh we expose.

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12. Preschool x Unvaccinated kids

I do vaccinate my kids, but I kind of think the government is going too far banning unvaccinated children from early daycare/preschool. That sort of “shuts down” the conversation, segregating the poor kids that have nothing to do with their parents beliefs. What do you ladies think?

Top answer:

Don’t vaccinate your children and then take them to a 3rd world country where children are dying from vaccination preventable diseases. Tell their parents that you had free access to said vaccines but you chose to skip them because you don’t trust what the doctors and science are telling you. See their reactions.

Be thankful we live in a country where you can choose to make that decision and be thankful that there are others out there who decide to vaccinate so that your children have some degree of protection via herd immunity. Remember that not vaccinating is your choice. There are mothers in many countries who don’t vaccinate, not by choice, but because they lack affordable access and many times their children are paying the price.

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