How Hiring People With Disabilities Helps a Business

4 min read
How Hiring People With Disabilities Helps a Business

How Hiring People With Disabilities Helps a Business

People living with disabilities have a broad spectrum of skills that make them employable, like other average Australians. Studies suggest that every one out of six residents in the country are disabled and over 90% of them have hidden disabilities. Often, disabled employees contribute to the overall workforce but still do not get their due credit. 

When you choose to employ people with disabilities, you are not just making a positive impact on the economy but also helping your own business.

Read on to find out how this is a win-win situation for everyone involved!

How Hiring People With Disabilities Helps a Business

1. They are High Performers

People with disabilities do not lag behind other employees in terms of work hours, productivity or resourcefulness. Reports show that over 90% of them are rated average or above average by employers when it comes to attendance and safety records. 

This means that persons with disability contribute as much and, in most cases, even more than any other employees in the workplace. 

2. It Displays Your Business Priorities 

Surveys suggest that less than 5% of businesses give precedence to the inclusion of disabled people in their workforce, while a staggering 90% profess to do so. When you hire persons with disability, and they make up a significant part of your workforce, your customers see your business priorities. You attract the right audience for your marketing message and hence, the right customers.

What’s more, it is relatively easy to source disabled people for your business. You can start with a disabled jobseekers’ database to find the best fit for your job opportunities.  

3. Helps Your Business Growth 

Disabled workers bring a fresh perspective to your business because they often have different experiences and viewpoints on topics. This difference of opinions brings new ideas, strategies and tactics, eventually helping you scale your business much faster.

Research conducted by Accenture reveals that businesses that have a better inclusive culture experience 28% more revenue, twice the net income and significantly better profit margins than others! 

How Hiring People With Disabilities Helps a Business

4. Improves Brand Reputation

Smart business owners understand that embracing a person in their business brings positive results. It promotes inclusion and diversity within the workplace by showing that you are willing to set aside prejudices. 

It shows your commitment to the community, proving that you are willing to go beyond the usual chase for business success and uplift the community. 

Customers, clients, government organisations and even competitors view companies that employ disabled people as forward-thinking. Needless to say, the boost that this gives to your brand reputation is incomparable to any paid marketing tactic!

5. Increases Revenue and Profitability 

Diversity inclusion of any kind bolsters brand image, retention, and customer loyalty. This leads to higher sales, more repeat customers, and more revenue. With a healthy work culture that includes people from all backgrounds, employees feel better and stay longer. This cuts down attrition rates and helps you save on re-hiring costs. 

6. Positive Work Environment

People with disabilities are eager to prove their worth and they often go above and beyond to make the most of the opportunities presented to hone their skills and contribute. They also have an enthusiastic attitude and display more job satisfaction that boosts the morale and teamwork among your workforce.

7. You Can Access Untapped Talent Pool

Jobseekers with disabilities are a group oft-ignored by employers. Despite being skilled, many of them are waiting to find the right job. In today’s skill-shortage market, this talent pool of qualified and skilled workers can be your winning card.  

How Hiring People With Disabilities Helps a Business

8. Build a Loyal Workforce  

Staff with disabilities have been recorded to have higher retention rates and show more loyalty toward their employers. They often stay with the same company for years, which reduces turnover rates and costs. 

The math is simple: If you can offer a respectable work environment and decent compensation, it’s highly likely that an employee with a disability will happily contribute to your business for years. 

As you can see, hiring a jobseeker with a disability isn’t just about doing a good deed. With so many benefits, it makes perfect business sense to consider including disabled people in your workforce. It might require some adjustments in your recruitment strategy to attract and hire disabled talent, but the results are worth the investment.    

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