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Are you an antivaxer or know anyone who is?

Answered 4 years ago

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4 years ago
My cousin caught her kids up with immunisation cause she wanted tax payers money


4 years ago
Well the govt strategy worked then...

4 years ago
Financial incentives are the best way to weed out the genuine anti vaxers from the ones jumping on the band wagon because they think it's trending

4 years ago
My sons friends parents are- they have three kids. The husband is the one who doesn’t believe in it so I don’t mention it, to my friend (the Mum) I feel she is not 100% in agreement but just goes along with him. It’s not place to interfere in their marriage.

Personally if it was me and I financially relied on my husband I would just pretend I agree but then have them all vaccinated behind his back.

4 years ago
I’m a non vaccinater. Lol.
Not anti not pro.
I’m PRO choice on your child’s medical care.
My child had reactions to all his vaccines, and the 18 month shot nearly killed him.
When doctors refused to take my concerns with my other kids seriously and offer any sort of allergy test, or acknowledge the ones I had done independently as terms for medical exemption, I simply chose not to vaccinate my next 3 kids, based on those test indicators and my intuition.

I still see merit in vaccination. But I don’t believe it should be forced the way it is, or that it is as safe as they say. I see merit in both arguments and I don’t like anyone’s argument who sits on the far left or right. Because I think the truth lays somewhere in the middle of them both


4 years ago
What were your grounds for medical exemption? What was your children's medical diagnosis?

4 years ago
Where did you obtain the ‘independent allergy tests’? - if from a naturopath, they’re hardly reliable.

4 years ago
No not a naturopath.
From an allergy test in the city. Our local doctor won’t accept it cos it’s not the one the hospital uses (country town)
My eldest son is medically exempt but not my 3 other children and the local doctor still Tuts at me in town. We got his medical exemption while being in the city at a different hospital.
The doctors here are kinda assholes. We think that’s why the work here cos they can’t get work in other hospitals lol.

4 years ago
Reactions are normal with vaccinations as you are implementing a small virus to the body to build an immunity. For a child to get a Life threatening reaction to every and all vaccines is unheard of as they don’t contain any of the same ingredients.

4 years ago
Oh wow I’m so glad you were there through my sons medical history, wow I was so wrong. Thanks for you enlightenment.

4 years ago
Good on you for protecting your children and being proactive. I am very much in agreement that they can be both good and bad. My family has had some unusual and nasty reactions to not only vaccinations but medical drugs ect. People that don’t get strange reactions or the 1 in 500,000 chance reactions just don’t seem to get it. Although I’m happy my children have managed okay with their vaccinations - I am in complete agreement with you that they aren’t quite as safe as the general public like to spout - and they often expect the tiny minority it does impact to just “trust” their advice and judgement. And essentially sacrifice their good judgement (after suffering from unusual side affects) for the good of the herd.

4 years ago
^^ 👍👍

4 years ago
Yes I find it so sad that they expect the minority who don’t do well with them to just tough it out or suffer for the good of the many. Just such a shame people are so hard headed on the issue

4 years ago
Watch 'The Truth About Vaccines'.
It will never show in Australia because of the no jab, no play policy


4 years ago
Also, watch "Vaxxed" and "Sacrificial Virgins" - about the HPV vaccine

4 years ago
Ive heard about the truth about vacs, haven't seen it though. It apparently is not anti-vac, its more choosing to be informed

4 years ago
One of my best friends is. Her reasons are that she reacted badly to the high school vaccines and then her daughter had the first scheduled ones as an infant as also reacted badly. Her son was never vaccinated at all. I don’t really care to be honest but they are always always always sick. For weeks at a time, even the flu knocks them all about and the kids both get croup and bronchitis chronically. I don’t know if it’s connected or not but my husband and I get the flu shot every year and are rarely sick. My kids are rarely sick. The other thing is because they got no child care rebate it wasn’t financially viable for her to return to work so they struggled on one income for five years, no holidays, no sports programmes and the crappiest of crappy cars (which were all unsafe and dangerous if I’m honest) so I do wonder what her kids will think when they are older, and when they want to travel and will have to catch up on everything to go to certain countries.


4 years ago
I thought more recently schools and daycare weren't taking unvaccinated children unless medical reason

4 years ago
Don’t think it’s connected at all kids all have different immune systems.
My last 3 kids aren’t vaccinated, and 1st is and literally all of them never get sick, it’s been years since even a sniffle in our house. Not even colds come through our house. Though we do have minor allergies and 1 major known allergy.
I’m vaccinated and work a job where kids literally sneeze in my face , I wipe their snot away with my hands and then my other job is working with sick people all around me basically. I also never get sick.
If something gets to us we usually end up in hospital cos it’s gotta be something pretty strong to beat our immune systems.
It is what it is I don’t think it’s got anything to do with being vaccinated or not.
My husband is relatively the same, but he’s from a 3rd world country so he’s got some immunisations but wouldn’t be what we would consider “immunised”

4 years ago
Child care can take them but you get no rebate. Kindy and preschool is still being reviewed as far as I know. No restrictions on school age.

4 years ago
In NSW you can’t attend childcare or preschool but can go to school and after school care if not vaccinated.

4 years ago
To the "don't think it's connected" poster -
You have the responsible parents to thank and their kids fire herd immunity.

Shame on you.

4 years ago
Uh no. I have my kids strong genetics for it.
Do you honestly not beleive some people have stronger genetics than others? My whole family (cousins grandparents ect) we’ve all been born with bodies that work. Every single one of us have fallen pregnant first go or accidently while using contraception, all the women get periods to to hour, all have uncomplicated fast births, no issues breast feeding. And all of us have strong immune systems.
Genetically our bodies just work the way they are suppose to.
We’ve all got athletic bodies strong metabolisms, not a single person in my family or extended family is even 10kgs over weight or underweight.
My great grandmother is 101, all my grandparents are alive and well and still playing sport.

No one gets sick in our family , vaccinated or unvaccinated because we were born with strong immune systems. and When we do get sick we also “fight it” better than most.

Genetics play a huge role in your body functions.

4 years ago
(I grew up a third world country btw. There not the “herd immunity” your referring to that kept us all safe, and my 101 year old grandmother lived her whole life there... so there’s that.)

4 years ago
Blah blah blah, my grandmother and aunty died at 101/103 respective.
I don't know what that's got to do with anything.

4 years ago
Don’t you see a connection that’s why they are always sick and had bad reactions?

4 years ago
Do what you like, just keep your kids away from me and mine

4 years ago
My dad has COPD.
His lower lungs don't function at all. This has been an ongoing issue his whole life, after he contacted whooping cough as a child.

4 years ago
I used to be. My daughter had a couple of pretty nasty reactions, which made me start researching (aka googling lol) and I fell down a rabbit hole of awful anecdotes about worst possible outcomes.... I stopped vaccinating until last year. I was over always staying home for every sniff and cough just in case we could be spreading something worse without knowing , or avoiding anyone else who had the sniffles like the plague and panicking every time we heard of a vaccine preventable disease going around. She and her little brother are both up to date now, and I definitely believe that the benefits outweigh the risks. I don’t know about giving hep B at birth though, I didn’t get a whooping cough booster when pregnant (I don’t think they have enough evidence to prove efficacy and safety) and I don’t have much faith in the flu vaccine- seems like a guessing game at best 🤔(I have to have it for work though anyway!)Go ahead and crucify me 😂


4 years ago
I'm the OP of this post. Thankyou for giving me a different perspective. My reason for asking this question was out of curiosity but mostly because I always wondered why a parent wouldn't want to protect their child. We've all heard talk over the years that people simply jumped on the antivax band wagon and there were others who did it for genuine reasons. What you say makes alot of sense so Thank you for your honesty x

4 years ago
Googling is not researching if you lack the scientific knowledge to understand what you are even reading

4 years ago
Op of this comment- I realise that, which is why I said LOL after it...... I also mentioned that what I came across were anecdotes, not peer reviewed journals. But thanks for sharing your wisdom. 👏

4 years ago
OP of this comment again- I would also like to add that I spoke with our family GP about it and she was very understanding of me being cautious after what had happened. We were referred to a paediatric clinic for all further vaccines. Vaccine reactions are real and can have devastating consequences for sensitive individuals, so some of us need to proceed with caution. Yes, it is unfair of people to rely on others for herd immunity, but we all need to protect the vulnerable, and I think that includes people who are sensitive and prone to bad reactions.

4 years ago
My cousin’s baby is unvaccinated as it goes against the mother’s beliefs 🤷‍♀️


4 years ago
My sister as well. Her husband doesn’t believe in any medical intervention. Shes a nurse