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Why do some teachers dehumanise kids ?

Answered 5 years ago

My ASD son has to wear a hi viz vest in playground

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5 years ago
Once a week I have to pick my son up at lunch time for his medical appointment. I tell ya, it’s close on impossible finding him because every kid is wearing exactly the same. I know where in the school yard he sits at lunch but it still can ask me 5+ minutes to find him. High vis means the school can easily spot your son who is obviously at high risk. Be glad they are looking out for him,

5 years ago
All kids who need specific supervision throughout lunch probably need to wear one. You will probably find anaphylactics, epileptics, diabetics and special needs need to wear a jacket at that school. Its a great idea considering they often get left without an aide at that time and you have teachers supervising that may not be familiar with all the kids, its an easy way of knowing which kids to keep an extra watch on.

5 years ago
It sounds like the school is trying to do their best by your child. If your child doesn't like the best try to think of something else that will help them stand out.

5 years ago
Our school would only do this if the child was high risk in terms of behaviour / safety / running away. I have an ASD student in my class whose mum stitched a bright yellow flower on her hat and another mum in a different grade has a big red ribbon stitched across the top of her daughters hat so teachers are aware. Our school has nearly 1000 kids - even though we have their little photos in our playground duty bag - in an urgent situation or a 'getting along/social issue' you might not have time to look through the various faces of medical / behaviour needs - so this is an instant visual / alert for us that this child might need support / help understanding / explaining / clarifying. In other words the mums have made a visual cue for teachers to know 'my child might require extra help / attention / support. These girls are 'low needs' more emotional / social level issues, so I'm assuming for the 'high vis' there would be a stronger need for your child to be watched / monitored by staff in a sea of kids. I have heard of mum's using the high vis at another school as their son has severe lows with diabetes etc.


5 years ago
Beautifully explained.

5 years ago
What’s worse.... making them wear hi vis or losing the child and the unthinkable happens?

5 years ago
Oh get over it, it's not 'dehuamanizing' to wear a vest, any more than it is to wear one when you're cycling. Why are people such precious petals these days? If the school really do this I'm sure there's a reason for it involving his own safety.

5 years ago
So they don't lose sight of him or..?

5 years ago
What is the reason for this?