11 Ways To Make Long Distance Relationships Suck Less

7 min read
11 Ways To Make Long Distance Relationships Suck Less

5. Set goals.

11 Ways To Make Long Distance Relationships Suck Less | Stay At Home Mum

Try to have a plan in place when you will next see one another. This can break the time away from one another and make it a little easier. For example, if your partner is gone for the next six weeks, make a countdown calendar with the kids to help pass the time. Set up a few special and fun things to do when he does get home and focus on this. Knowing that there is an end in sight can make things a little easier.

6. Have your own activities to pass the time.

Stay At Home Mum

The good thing about having your partner away is that you get more ‘me’ time. You can go out with the girls without feeling guilty about leaving your spouse at home. Best of all, you can watch whatever you like on the television and have the whole bed to yourself. Or why not look into studying online!

7. Get help with the kids.

Stay At Home Mum

You and your partner are a team when it comes to raising your kids. So when your partner leaves you alone, then it can be hard to manage. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You may not even realise how much you depend on him until he is gone and you are left with all the responsibilities without a break in sight. So schedule some me time at least once a week. Call in a babysitter or get your parents to help out. It’s hard work being a ‘single parent’ and you deserve a break!

8. Talk dirty with each other.

Stay At Home Mum

One of the challenges of long distance relationships is how to stay sexually connected with your partner. While it’s physically impossible to have sex while on a LDR, it doesn’t mean you cannot fulfill each other’s physical needs. Just be creative in sexting, having phone sex, using couple’s toys or tease your partner with some of your sexy photos. This may not be as good as the real thing, but this way, you can still stay connected sexually.

9. Think of it as a challenge to strengthen your relationship.

Stay At Home Mum

Temptations are everywhere when you’re in a long distance relationship, but when both of you will hold true to your promise, your relationship will be a breeze. Make your time apart a time to reflect on things that you need to do to strengthen your relationship. It’s the perfect time to nourish your individuality while staying committed.

10. Be honest and trust your partner.

Stay At Home Mum

Stay At Home Mum

Trust plays a vital role in long distance relationships. Without trust, long distance relationships won’t work. Reassure each other that there’s nothing to worry about. Always be honest in everything you do — you may want to keep your partner in the loop with some of your activities. And of course, keep your word to also keep that trust.

11. Stay positive.

Stay At Home Mum

Long distance relationships take work and commitment and it can be hard at times. It can especially be hard to remain positive after a long week or a really bad day. Have a list of all the positive things about continuing the long distance relationship is it bringing in good money? Is it helping better your partner’s career options? In most instances, long distance relationships are not forever and will be helping you in the long run. So focus on the end goal when you are at your limits.

All couples are different and this is just a guide for the two of you to conquer this challenge to your relationship. Make sure to keep these tips in mind, modify a bit so it fits your relationship and apply!

Have you experienced a LDR? Are you currently in one? What other tips can you give?


Jody Allen
About Author

Jody Allen

Jody Allen is the founder of Stay at Home Mum. Jody is a five-time published author with Penguin Random House and is the current Suzuki Queensland Amb...Read Moreassador. Read Less

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