14 Common Sayings That Have a Bizarre Origin

8 min read
14 Common Sayings That Have a Bizarre Origin

9. Dressed to the Nines

Meaning: Dressed flamboyantly

Origin: The saying could have originated from the British 99th Regiment of Foot, a unit which was known for its high quality uniforms. It could also refer to the belief that a tailor used nine yards of cloth to make the finest suits.

However, there is also one documented instance, which can be found in The Progressive Dictionary of the English Language published in 1835. Under the definition for “Nine” it states:

“To the nines, to perfection; generally applied to dress, and sometimes implying excess in dressing”¦ he or she was dressed up to the nines.” | Stay at Home

10. Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bath Water

Meaning: Hanging on to something valuable when getting rid of undesireable things

Origin: In the 1500s, most people only bathe once a year, and when they bathe, the whole family just use the same tubful of water for everyone. The man of the house bathes first, followed by other males, then females, and finally the babies, so, by the time the baby was bathed, the water was so thick and murky that the baby may be thrown out unseen when the tub is emptied.

Next Page: More Common Sayings that Have a Bizarre Origin

Jody Allen
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Jody Allen

Jody Allen is the founder of Stay at Home Mum. Jody is a five-time published author with Penguin Random House and is the current Suzuki Queensland Amb...Read Moreassador. Read Less

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