Even Though My Cat Disappointed Me, My Roomba Didn’t

3 min read
Even Though My Cat Disappointed Me, My Roomba Didn’t

Before I discovered that “cat wine” is a thing, and made plans to get some so I could engage in a drinking session with my favourite moggy, I had another feline-related obsession.

I was totally addicted to watching cats on YouTube riding around their owner’s houses aboard Roomba iRobot vacuum cleaners.

It seemed that these things were a favourite conveyance of felines everywhere who enjoyed sitting on them, sometimes wearing cute little cat onesies, doing things like taunting the family dog, and generally being highly entertaining and amusing.

So you know I bought one, right? I was convinced it would provide me with hours of entertainment and the side bonus was it might clean my floors for me.

OK so here’s the thing: after four years, my cat has refused to ride the Roomba and he actually usually runs from the room in terror while she’s doing her thing, (my kids have named the Roomba Rosie and my middle child likes to cackle while insisting Rosie is our robot slave…)

I was a little disappointed, but that quickly subsided when I realised just what an awesome device I had on my hands that saves me so much time.

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I make sure there are no obvious Robot choking hazards on the floor like socks and lego and hair ties and all the other kid-related debris that can tend to accumulate, take Rosie off her charging base station, and press her start button. By the time I get home from running errands, she’s got the floors looking amazing and I can tick one more chore off my list. I might not have the flying car I dreamt of as a child, but I do have a robot that vacuums my house. Close enough.

I was so excited when I learned that iRobot, the company that made my Rosie, has brought out a brand new version of the Roomba that sounded amazing… so I just had to get my hands on one. The Roomba 980 is iRobot’s first app-controlled vacuuming robot that has wifi connectivity and intelligent visual navigation technology that will let it navigate an ENTIRE level of your home while it keeps track of its location. It also has twice the cleaning performance of previous models.

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They’ve also released the Brava 380t, which is a mopping robot. Mopping!  Not only does it mop your floors, it is whisper quiet. It uses groundbreaking technology to work out where it has been and where it needs to go. Its dry or damp cloths mop hard surface floors and keep dust, daily dirt and smooshes under control automatically.

So can you guess what I’m going to do next? I’m going to invest in some cat wine and pair it with my upgraded Roomba to see if that will lower his inhibitions towards the robot so that all my feline/robot vacuum related dreams come true. Even if he still pikes on me, my floors will be cleaner than ever before. Visit for more information on these great products!

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About Author

Caroline Duncan

Caroline Duncan is a freelance journalist and photographer with almost 20 years' media experience in radio, magazines and online. She is also a mother...Read More of three daughters, and when she's not writing or taking pictures, she's extremely busy operating a taxi service running them around to various activities. She can't sew and hates housework. Read Less

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