I Put My Daughter on Ritalin and Stand By My Decision

7 min read
I Put My Daughter on Ritalin and Stand By My Decision

Now, it is time for the doctors. The school had documented all incidents that had happened in the three years she has been there — three A4 pages. The doctor laughed at it as my girl was sitting on my lap being the angel that she is. He gave us a referral to a paediatrician, so off we go.

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So we take home the questionnaires, one for parents and teacher. They got sent back to the paediatrician and we go in for appointment. This is our last port of call, if we can’t work out what is going on, my girl will spend her life being moved from school to school, not having a social life, worse, I was terrified of the teenage years if we can’t handle her at seven years old.

The dreaded words that I had all ways been against ADHD”¦what a crock of crap, my girl doesn’t have ADHD so doesn’t act like those children you see on TV smashing up houses, attacking people”¦..oh yeah, not yet, she doesn’t.  Then it hit me, yes she does, only on a smaller scale than what I had seen on TV.

So what next? The doctor says Ritalin.

I go home to my husband and cry, what the hell is happening, this can’t be right. So off for a second opinion and the same answer, third opinion same answer.

There has to be alternatives and there are, but all the same things, side effects, or only available overseas, not clinically tested. This is our child; I don’t want her to be the trial for something new, herbal or drugs.

So we went with Ritalin.

Now, it is in smaller dosages and not for long term in our case. They have come a long way since it first came on the scene. I know people are going to say I am a bad mother, a drug pusher but unless you are in those shoes, don’t judge, I know I was a judger.

Here it is, the first month in and she got her first good behaviour certificate, she can sit through a whole day of class and not disrupt. Because of her behaviour before, she was at a prep level of reading, writing, maths. She got her six-month report card and every teacher marked A for behaviour, all A for achievement. We went out to dinner to celebrate.

The only side effect of the tablet is she isn’t hungry at lunch, so I make sure she eats something even if it is small. She has a big breakfast and huge dinner.

She is calmer and her thinking is more organised. Now she can get up and get dressed and ready for school, without me there consistently reminding her to put on her pants, put on your shirt, brush your teeth. There has been no physical altercation at school or home. She still has her outgoing personality and loves to try new things all the time. Including be able to go on school camps, and getting badges for scouts. The simple things we took for granted as just part of learning is a big deal. She had her first sleep over this term, has been to a couple of parties and has two best friends. Her childhood has been given back. She goes to after school care one day a week, as she loved her daycare. They love that she hasn’t changed her personality, just the bad behaviour is gone.

She does get mad and frustrated just like any eight-year-old, and we deal with it the same way we did with the other three children.

I still believe that Ritalin is a last resort, but for parents that are in that place where there seems no way forward, remember you are not alone. Always get a second opinion.  People will always give their opinion whether it is wanted or not, so take what you think you need and ignore the rest.

I Put My Daughter on Ritalin and Stand By My Decision (1)

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