7 Tips on How To Spring Clean Your Body

5 min read
7 Tips on How To Spring Clean Your Body

Spring is a time for regeneration and renewal, when we throw off the shackles of winter and walk confidently into the new day. It’s also the perfect time to get your body back on track and feeling fabulously balanced.

The truth is, during winter, it’s easy to get out of whack. With lots of heavy foods, shorter days, not enough sunlight and the feeling of being strangled underneath all those winter woolies, it’s no surprise we come into spring feeling less than our best. But there is a solution, some simple things you can do to get back on top of the game. Why just spring clean your house when you can spring clean your body?

1. Take A Moment To Yourself

7 Tips on How To Spring Clean Your Body - Stay at Home Mum

This is more mind than body, but the body is connected to the mind, so we’re going with it. After winter, it can be hard to change pace into spring and summer. The sunny seasons are, by nature, more active and faster-paced seasons, so it’s easy to feel like you’re getting left behind. Don’t stress! Instead take some time to sit and get yourself mentally prepared for the activities of spring and summer. This might be just five quiet minutes watching the sun rise in the morning, or drinking your coffee without interruptions (if possible). Or it might be a structured 15-minute mediation window before bed, or before everyone wakes up.

2. Enjoy The Great Outdoors

7 Tips on How To Spring Clean Your Body - Stay at Home Mum

Nature has a profoundly healing effect on us, and we aren’t just talking in a ‘tree hugger’ kind of way. Being out in nature, and enjoying the great outdoors, is widely thought to be a mood booster. Also, getting out in the sun is a great way to boost your Vitamin D and feel better about yourself. So before you let everything overwhelm you, take a walk outside and just live in the gorgeous moment.

3. Hydrate

7 Tips on How To Spring Clean Your Body - Stay at Home Mum

Spring cleaning is all about throwing out the old and embracing the new. The same goes for your body, especially when it comes to toxins. Toxins can collect in the body, and they make you feel terrible. But it doesn’t have to be that way. By staying hydrated and having a solid habit of drinking between 2 – 3 litres of water everyday, you can flush those bad boys out. Think of it as an all-over clean up for your body, refreshing and very worthwhile.

Next Page: More Tips to Spring Clean Your Body

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Oceana Setaysha

Senior Writer A passionate writer since her early school days, Oceana has graduated from writing nonsense stories to crafting engaging content for...Read Morean online audience. She enjoys the flexibility to write about topics from lifestyle, to travel, to family. Although not currently fulfilling the job of parent, her eight nieces and nephews keep her, and her reluctant partner, practiced and on their toes. Oceana holds a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Writing and Indonesian, and has used her interest in languages to create a career online. She's also the resident blonde at, where she shares her, slightly dented, wisdom on photography, relationships, travel, and the quirks of a creative lifestyle. Read Less

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