Baby Goat Wears Duck Onesie for Cuddles

2 min read
Baby Goat Wears Duck Onesie for Cuddles

Nothing calms Polly’s anxiety like her duck costume.

Polly is a 6-month-old baby goat who is blind and suffers from neurological issues, which causes her to be anxious most of the time.

“Polly is very used to being clothed, it’s all she knows, so a costume is no different to her… or so I thought,” Lauricella wrote to Mashable.

“While out shopping one day, I spotted the cute little duck costume and had to have it. The first time I put Polly in the costume, she just closed her eyes and fell asleep. She seemed very peaceful.”

Polly and her new BFF - Pocket.
Polly and her BFF – Pocket.

Leanne Lauricella is the founder of Goats of Anarchy, a New Jersey-based sanctuary that rescues special needs baby goats.

Polly was rescued 4 months ago where they found out that she had several problems. She was too tiny for her age. She was born blind and couldn’t nurse.

“Since she was unable to feed herself, she lives inside my house with a diaper and a baby onesie,” she said. “We noticed that she felt comforted when she was swaddled.”

Just recently, Lauricella bought costumes for the goats to wear on Halloween. Polly wore it for a picture and it instantly made her calm.

“A day or two later, I put the duck costume on her again and she fell right asleep again. It was then that I realized the effect it had on her… There are times that Polly is running around the house calling for me and I’ll put her duck costume on and it instantly soothes her,” she added.

Check out more photos of Polly, here!

Help Goats of Anarchy save more baby goats!

They welcome donations at their GoFundMe pageThey’re looking for more Goat Huggers, too!

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