20 Of The Weirdest Laws Ever!

8 min read

16. Kissing Is Illegal In Dubai

There have been more than a few foreigners caught out by this law in Dubai that bans public displays of affection. A British couple served one month in jail back in 2010 after kissing while on holiday. They were convicted of indecency as well as illegal drinking, leaving them feeling less than enamoured we’re sure.

17. Beware If You Chew Gum In Singapore

For those worried about getting caught at the airport with banned goods, you’ll need to add something else to your list of items to avoid: chewing gum. Yes, in Singapore, chewing gum has been illegal since 1992 after city officials noticed how much money was being spent removing the gum from public property and transport buildings. The law might not always be enforced, but it can carry a fine.

18. Don’t Step On Thai Money

In Thailand, the King is firmly seated at the top of the country, respected by all and honoured in many ways. In order to protect the King and his reputation, the Thai government passed a law that forbid people from stepping on Thai money. Why? Because the King’s face is on one side of the money, meaning you’re stepping on the man himself. So be careful where you step!

19. In Alabama, You Can’t Wear Fake Moustaches To Church

Ok that headline isn’t quite correct. The full law states that in Alabama, it’s illegal to wear a fake moustache to church that makes people laugh. So one that people don’t notice or care about is ok, but once you get a giggle going, you could be in trouble. We don’t think anyone has been punished for this for a while now, after all, how would Santa cope?

20. Dying Is Illegal In Longyearbyen

If you’ve ever wanted to live forever, then the place to buy real estate is a remote Arctic town called Longyearbyen where dying has officially been made illegal. Although this sounds totally ridiculous, the logic is found. The graveyard stopped accepting bodies when they realised the bodies weren’t decomposing in the cold climates. Now, if you get sick there, they’ll send you away so you aren’t arrested on your deathbed.

What’s the weirdest law you’ve ever heard of?

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About Author

Oceana Setaysha

Senior Writer A passionate writer since her early school days, Oceana has graduated from writing nonsense stories to crafting engaging content for...Read Morean online audience. She enjoys the flexibility to write about topics from lifestyle, to travel, to family. Although not currently fulfilling the job of parent, her eight nieces and nephews keep her, and her reluctant partner, practiced and on their toes. Oceana holds a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Writing and Indonesian, and has used her interest in languages to create a career online. She's also the resident blonde at, where she shares her, slightly dented, wisdom on photography, relationships, travel, and the quirks of a creative lifestyle. Read Less

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