18 Money Rules That Are No Longer True Right Now

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18 Money Rules That Are No Longer True Right Now

Even money rules that have been around for a long time get outdated in the ever-changing world. It happens all the time! For example, not too long ago, having a savings account was considered one of the safest investments a person could make.

Of course, this is still true in some cases, but with the advent of online banking and its higher interest rates, it’s easy to see why many people are opting for options outside the traditional savings accounts. And suppose you’re investing in specific mutual funds or other assets that yield higher return rates than the average savings account bank offers.

By diversifying your savings, you can benefit from “breaking” these old money rules.

Ultimately, it pays to pay attention to what investments are available at any given time because things change quickly now more than ever before!

Are you ready to change your financial lifestyle but unsure where to start? We hear that money rules the world, but many rules no longer apply in our current economic landscape. So whether you’re looking for guidance on how to manage your debts or ways to save more during these difficult times, keep reading for a crash course in updated money management.

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Money Rules That Are No Longer True Right Now I Stay at Home Mum

Do you think money rules still apply the same way they used to? Most of us know that money isn’t everything, but it is a massive factor in our everyday lives. With the recent pandemic outbreak and its far-reaching consequences, specific existing financial rules don’t hold water anymore. New habits are emerging, and old principles no longer work as they used to.

It might be difficult to keep up with what exactly changed, so today, we will cover all of them! Stay tuned if you want to learn more about smart money moves you need to make during these – dare I say – unprecedented times we experience right now.

1. 3-month emergency fund

Having money saved in an emergency fund is always a good idea, but relying solely on a three-month cushion may not be enough to keep you afloat. As money rules suggest, saving money for those unexpected moments is essential, but the recommended amount is closer to six months, if not more. That money should provide enough buffer for when life throws curveballs your way.

Allocating money for expenses outside of bills and groceries can help keep your head above water without falling into your emergency fund. That could include budgeting money each week/month as extra padding or investing money into savings accounts with higher rates of return—whatever works best for your financial situation.

2. Don’t use a credit card

It’s become increasingly clear in recent years that the old maxim “don’t use credit cards” isn’t necessarily a money rule that stands up under scrutiny. With many benefits associated with responsible card usage, eschewing plastic without looking into your options can be unwise. Credit cards come with disadvantages, of course. High-interest rates can lead to debt if you don’t keep up with your payments or use your card too irresponsibly.

But when used safely, we all benefit from perks like cashback and rewards points. So instead of shying away from them altogether, it’s essential to make sure you understand the consequences and develop money rules that allow for the payment method that works best for your lifestyle and financial goals. Proper money management is a journey. Take control of yourself today by finding credit cards and other money tools that suit your needs.

3. Don’t invest until you’re debt-free

Many money rules suggest avoiding investing until you’re free of debt. But unfortunately, this often fails to consider that more money is needed to pay off debt. By waiting to pay off your debts before investing, you miss out on the money-making possibilities of having money working for you in the long run.

It’s better to invest sooner rather than later if possible – invest in low-risk investments and save money with high-interest rates so that you can balance paying off debts while also taking advantage of money’s earning potential. Doing this will put you in a sounder financial situation faster than waiting till all your debts are gone before investing. Plus, investing is a good way to beat high prices and inflation in the market.

Money Rules That Are No Longer True Right Now I Stay at Home Mum

4. Earn a certain amount by a certain age

It’s become increasingly common for people to set money rules for themselves, promising to have a certain amount in savings by a certain age. But relying on such numbers could ultimately do more harm than good if those goals can’t be met. It can lead to worries about money, a sense of failure, or anxiety about the future.

Instead of focusing on money goals as hard and fast targets, it’s more helpful to think flexibly when it comes to money. Work towards things that satisfy you today and plan for tomorrow by creating emergency funds and putting money away for retirement to develop a healthier relationship with money overall.

5. You just need to save!

“Save, save, save” is not the best money rule to live by. It has disadvantages – for one, you are missing out on opportunities to invest your money and watch it grow exponentially. A better money rule would be “save, invest, and spend.”

When practiced judiciously, this money rule allows you to make intelligent financial decisions that could even lead to future security and independence in the long run. While saving is substantial, it should come second or third on your list of money rules that you live by. Focus more on investing, as this is usually where most money growth comes from.

6. Pay debts before you can save

Many money rules promote the idea that paying off debts is essential before any money can be saved. While this may help pay down money owed, it’s not the only way to create a healthy financial lifestyle. The disadvantage of this approach is that money saved is money earned, meaning money spent on debt could have contributed to money earned by saving for the future.

An alternative approach is to build a budget that allows for free throwing money towards paying your debts and saving some money. This will require discipline, but over time it will become a habit. With this strategy, you’ll be able to pay down debts while keeping money savings growing simultaneously — developing an attention-worthy financial portfolio and healthier outlook in the process!

Money Rules That Are No Longer True Right Now I Stay at Home Mum

7. You earn more money when you work harder

It’s easy to believe that money results from hard work, and it may feel satisfying to put in the hours, but money doesn’t work like that. To see any real financial success, you need to learn how money works and its rules and understand the mechanisms behind money making money for you. Fortunately, there are some simple techniques you can use today so money can start working for you.

It starts with building an emergency fund, understanding your financial profile, and learning which investments are best for you. Then it’s about being disciplined in your spending habits and taking advantage of compounding returns earned from investing regularly, no matter how small the amount. By beginning this process and working smart instead of hard on money management, you’re more likely to reach financial success over time.

8. Thou should buy a home as soon as thou can afford it…or thou shall rent for life.

In the past, buying a home was necessary to build equity and secure your financial future. However, this is no longer the case with the rise of the sharing economy and the increasing cost of housing. Many people are now choosing to rent instead of buy, and some are even choosing to live in alternative arrangements like co-housing or tiny homes.

9. You need to save for retirement

While saving for retirement is still a good idea, it is no longer necessary to do so through a traditional pension plan. This is because other options are now available, such as 401(k) plans and IRAs. Additionally, many employers now offer matching contributions, which can help to boost your savings.

10. You need to carry cash

In the past, it was always a good idea to have cash on hand in case you needed to make a purchase or pay for something unexpectedly. However, with the rise of credit and debit cards and mobile payment options like Apple Pay and Google Pay, it is now possible to make almost any purchase without cash. There are some businesses that no longer accept cash at all.

Money Rules That Are No Longer True Right Now I Stay at Home Mum

More old money rules, you need to think twice!

11. You don’t need much money to start investing. Many low-cost investments make it possible for anyone to get started with little money.

12. Investing is not as risky as it used to be. With the advent of technology, investors have access to more data and analytics than ever, allowing them to make smarter decisions and reduce risk levels.

13. Diversifying your investments is essential. By spreading your money across different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities, you’ll be better prepared to weather any market volatility.

14. Index funds can be an excellent option for beginner investors. Index funds track an index or a basket of securities, providing broad exposure at a low cost compared to actively managed funds.

15. Risk does not always equate to reward. Taking on too much risk can damage your portfolio by leading to losses instead of gains. Understanding the risk/reward ratio is crucial in determining the right investments.

16. A high credit score isn’t necessary for obtaining loans. While having good credit can help secure better loan terms and rates, there are other factors that lenders will consider, such as income level and debt-to-income ratio, when making their decision.

17. Saving 10% of your paycheck isn’t necessarily the only way you should save. Depending on your income level, where you want to be financially in the future, and how much financial freedom you want now versus later on in life will determine how much — if any — you should save each month or a year from each paycheck.

18. It may make sense to tap into your 401K before retirement if certain conditions are met. Suppose you qualify for a financial hardship withdrawal or meet other criteria set by your employer. It may make sense to take advantage of those benefits before retirement, depending on your situation and goals.

Rules about money are changing all the time! Just because something was true in the past doesn’t mean it’s true now. You must be willing to change with the times if you want to keep up with money matters.

Are there any money rules you used to believe in but don’t anymore? What is the most crucial money rule to live by right now?

Money Rules That Are No Longer True Right Now I Stay at Home Mum

Jody Allen
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Jody Allen

Jody Allen is the founder of Stay at Home Mum. Jody is a five-time published author with Penguin Random House and is the current Suzuki Queensland Amb...Read Moreassador. Read Less

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