15 Of The Worst Odours To Be Around When You’re Pregnant

5 min read

13. Fish


(See Deli)

Seafood does me in at the best of times, so when one of my workmates cracked a tin of tuna for lunch one day during my pregnancy, I went outside to eat my lunch. For four days. You know, until the smell was gone.

14. Boiled Egg

Sulphur-fart-gas-chook-bum-nut-stink. Poisoned nostrils whatever you call the odour that boiled eggs emit when you’re duffed. It must have a lot to do with the super sniffer-dog powers your nose now possesses, as boiled eggs are usually the most inoffensive of the cooked egg varieties.

15. Coffee


My heart broke a little when I woke one sunny first-trimester morning, looking forward to my once daily cup of weak instant, only to find I would rather slap myself in the face than smell or ingest any of that icky, brown, bitter, evil poison. What the hell is that about I ask you? I had always loved a nice cuppa and then all of a sudden, boom, no more mister nice java. Five years later and I’m attempting one occasionally, but it’s not the same and probably never will be again.

Thanks pregnancy. Lucky our kids are cute!

What smells made you gag during your pregnancy?

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Shelley Gilbert

A mum of two, full-on but super cute little boys, Shelley is completely addicted to gentle attachment parenting, loves baby-wearing, fills the role o...Read Moref jersey cow for her youngest child, inhales books about child brain development, is happily married to her partner of 13 years and gets amongst it with the 4 yr olds on kindy parent days. Having worked in all areas of pharmacy her favourite part is - you guessed it- helping people. She is a Cert III Dispense Technician, has a Diploma of Business Management and has clocked up a whole lot of life experience that is giving her a great edge for writing for Stay At Home Mum. Read Less

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