10 Dumb Internet Challenges That Just Won’t Die

6 min read

6. Salt and Ice Challenge

10 Dumb Internet Challenges That Just Won't Die | Stay at Home Mum

Guess what? There’s a way you can experience frost bite without having to visit anywhere remotely close to the Himalayas.
The question is, why would you want to?

The brain capacity of many humans has been called into question through this challenge, where they place salt in patterns or patches of their bodies and then apply ice – effectively burning the shit out of their skin.

Perhaps I’m just missing the point? But to me, avoiding intense burning is generally a good thing to do if you can.

7. The Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge

10 Dumb Internet Challenges That Just Won't Die | Stay at Home Mum

If you ever wanted that super-sized fish pucker to be a semi-permanent feature on your face – suck the shit out of a shot glass while your lips are inside.

The only side effects that might come with your new super-sexy *gag* lips is some super-sexy bruising that could take up half the bottom of your face.And if your suction is above average, you may just slice your face up with some broken glass.

But hey, beauty is pain right?

8. Ice Bucket Challenge

10 Dumb Internet Challenges That Just Won't Die | Stay at Home Mum

This one started out with good intentions – to raise money for the ALS Association (motor neurone disease). And it worked, with millions of dollars being donated to the organisation to fund research and raise awareness of the disease.

It began in 2013 and was revived last year with a vengeance and although this one is highly entertaining with relatively small fail statistics (read: actual water-filled bucket falling on head rather than being tipped onto one’s head) this one has clearly jumped the shark!

9. Duct Tape Challenge

10 Dumb Internet Challenges That Just Won't Die | Stay at Home Mum

This challenge involves having your body wrapped in duct tape and seeing how long it takes to escape. Simple really, but there have been countless injuries as people fall from chairs or whatever else they have been strapped to, knocking themselves out or needing stitches and even surgery as they fall onto sharp corners.

This one needs to go away and go away quickly.

10. The 100 Layers Challenge

10 Dumb Internet Challenges That Just Won't Die | Stay at Home Mum

Here’s another one that started out innocently enough. The 100 Layers Challenge began in the beauty community when a YouTube personality applied more than 100 layers of nail polish and the results were like a dome sitting on top of her nails.

Quirky? Yes. Way too much time on her hands? I wish I could have some of that!

The problem here is, other beauty gurus caught wind of her video and it has been transformed into 100 Layers of pretty much anything you can get your hands on. I’m talking makeup, spray tan, clothing, glue and even, erm, candle wax.

For some reason, people find this strangely captivating and I doubt this challenge will be slowing down or going away any time soon – but it needs to!

10 dumb internet challenges that just won't die

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Roxanne McCarty-O'kane

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